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Hancock County Arts Twenty North Gallery Agreement

This Agreement is made and entered beginning

day of

, 2025   through

day of

2025  between Artist

and the Hancock County Arts Council 

 located at 20A North State Street, Greenfield, Indiana.

A. The Artist appoints the Gallery to act as artist’s exclusive agent for the exhibition and sales of artworks in Gallery.
B. The Gallery shall document receipt of all works consigned hereunder by signing and returning to the Artist a
Record of Consignment.
A. All pieces in the show must remain in the Gallery for the duration of the term.
B. The Artist shall include a comprehensive list of all works in the exhibition within the Gallery.
C. The Gallery will maintain the following hours of operation during the exhibition: Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. ET. The Gallery will open on the Second Friday from 6:30-8:30 p.m. ET, which time may be used for an Artist Reception.
D. Both the Gallery and the Artist have the right to photograph the work and share for promotional and advertising purposes.
E. The Gallery will promote the artist locally.
F. The Artist has artistic control over the exhibition and the artwork; however, the Gallery may decline to display
any individual piece on any grounds.
A. The Gallery will assume all ownership of monetary transactions related to sales of the artwork in the
B. The Gallery will retain 35% commission on the retail price of each sold piece.
C. For each sale, the Gallery shall list the date of sale, price, the name, address, and phone of purchaser.
D. The Gallery shall pay the Artist all proceeds due to the Artist within thirty days of the last day of the Term.
A. The Gallery will do everything within ordinary care to protect the artwork in the exhibition. However, the
Gallery assumes no responsibility for loss or damage to the artwork. Submission of artwork indicates your
agreement to abide by guidelines of the exhibit. Your signature indicates that you have read and understand the
entry form and all it entails.


Upon Pick up:

I agree that the artwork that I am picking up is in the same condition as when it was delivered.

Artwork Pick Up DATE  _______________________ Gallery Initials  ___________

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